Thursday, May 28, 2009

Still more Bonus Posts

1) Using your research skills, see if you can find any information about a plant occupation that's happened recently in the United States. What connections and differences do you see to the occupations we saw in The Take?

2) In conduction your interview, are there things you noticed that could be used as evidence aside from the words the person said? Think about body language, emotions, gestures, clothing, the setting of the interview, etc. 

3) How have your thoughts about work, and your future work life, changed over the course of this class? As a result of your interview and research project?

Friday, May 15, 2009

More Bonus Posts!

Some more topics to mull over as we build to the research essays and the Exit Exam . . . . 

1) This  is a very interesting article about another kind of emotional labor, right here in NYC, with interesting connections to the idea of status and social class. What do you think? 

2) In this NY Times article that we looked at in class, the author writes, "The famous labor struggles of American history call to mind collapsing mineshafts and machine gunners posted on factory roofs, not mandatory telephone sign-offs recited in attractive, air-conditioned offices."  But many of us might not have any image in mind of  "the famous labor struggles of American history." Think about your history classes and/or do a little quick internet research: what are some famous examples of strikes or other labor struggles from U.S. history? Examples from other countries? What, if anything, did you learn about this in high school?
3) Remember your syllabus? At the top I say something about the squatting toad. Another fun little internet research project: what do you think I was talking about? What do you make of it? 

4) What important work-related issues haven't we talked about enough, that I should include the next time I teach this class? 

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

In-Class work with sources

Let's say your research question is: What long-term impact does emotional labor have on workers, the workplace and American culture as a whole?

Some preliminary database searches might take you to these three sources.

In the comments, answer the following questions for your source.

1) What *kind* of source are you looking at? Who is its audience?

2) Briefly summarize the source (you should be able to do this without reading the whole thing, at least for the first two).

3) What database do you think this writer used to find this? Why?

4) Do you think it will be a useful source for this writer? Why or why not?



Friday, May 8, 2009


Some folks have been wondering about making up absences, helping out your participation grade, getting extra practice on getting into the flow of writing, and so forth. One thing you can always do is additional posts. Here are some possibilities:

1) Link to a newspaper article, blog post or news story related to work or issues we've been talking about and give your reaction.

2) Leave comments! Read your colleagues' blogs, down the side of this one. Look at the comments and leave one. Especially helpful if you're in the process of working on your research and/or interview questions.

3) If you were at the budget hearing on Thursday, give your thoughts about the events and/or how budget cuts and/or tuition hikes would affect you and your thoughts about this.

Want to express thoughts to your elected officials about funding for CUNY? Follow this link: and look at the first item.

4) Did something happen at your job that relates to things we've been discussing? Tell us about it.

5) Listen to some of the interviews at Share your thoughts about the interviews and what makes Terkel a good interviewer.

6) Anything else!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Post 6: Essay 3 Questions

First a reminder: in addition to adding posts to your own blog, please scan the blogs linked along the left-hand side and leave some comments for your colleagues. Lots of interesting stuff out there to respond to.

Post 6 is the question stage of Essay #3. Be sure you've completed your brainstorming exercise when you do this post. Do the post after our class on questions (Monday May 4th or Tuesday the 5th depending on your section). After completing your post, look for my comments before completing the interview.

Your post should have two parts:

1) What is your research question(s)? In other words, what are you trying to figure out with your interview that will connect to course texts and themes? Think about our list of key terms.
You might have a few research questions: think about their relation to one another.
2) Brainstorm a list of interview questions. These are questions you will actually use in the interview. They will relate to your key terms but may not include them directly (although they might). You want to have about ten interview questions. You might include follow-ups. Keep in mind that rather than reading down your list of questions, you'll want to adjust and add questions based on what your interviewee tells you.